
It can be a little daunting to summarize who you are and what you do in few words, but here goes.

My name is Joseph Adams. I’m married to Rachelle, my wonderful wife. We have two sons, Asher and Abraham, who were both adopted here in South Carolina. I love my family dearly. My wife points me to Christ constantly, and my boys are a daily reminder of what the Father’s love looks like for His children.

I work for a church in the upstate of South Carolina, Fellowship Greenville. Before working in ministry, I was a computer programmer (just like my dad!), using all sorts of technologies and languages to create software for both the desktop and web.

I’ve been on staff at this church for awhile now, over 16 years. In that time, God has given me opportunities to use my passions and skills to serve in our tech ministry. I have done everything from designing and installing AVL systems around the facility, to being the sole video production guy shooting and editing videos for services, setting stages and wiring everything up, if there’s a technical area in ministry, I’ve probably done it.

I now primarily lead our 60+ tech volunteers to produce Sunday morning services. It’s a fun job, getting to see God use technology to further the Kingdom.

I suppose it should go without saying, but everything I write here is in no way a reflection of the official policies or stances of the organization that I work for.

My hope and goal for this blog is that you will be encouraged and refreshed with ideas to improve the ways you use technology to serve in ministry.

If this site has benefitted you and you would like to contribute to my family, you may do that here: https://www.paypal.me/adamsfamilyadopts

Grace and peace,
